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Jacobi regularly teaches at Folio seminars which is where editors of the major magazines get additional training. He teaches magazine writing at Indiana University. Basic Magazine Writing by Barbara Kevles Writer's Digest Books. This book covers seven different types of articles. Handbook of Magazine Article Writing Writer's Digest Books. Here is a compilation of some of the best articles about magazine writing from past issues of Writer's Digest magazine in one volume.

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At eight miles and a half came upon a broad valley of black alluvial soil, covered with long grass; from this I can hear the wash of the sea. On the other side of the valley, which is rather more than a quarter of a mile wide, is growing a line of thick heavy bushes, very dense, showing that to be the boundary of the beach. Crossed the valley, and entered the scrub, which was a complete network of vines. Stopped the horses to clear a way, whilst I advanced a few yards on to the beach, and was gratified and delighted to behold the water of the Indian Ocean in Van Diemen Gulf, before the party with the horses knew anything of its proximity. Thring, who rode in advance of me, called out The Sea! which so took them all by surprise, and they were so astonished, that he had to repeat the call before they fully understood what was meant. Then they immediately gave three long and hearty cheers.

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