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She closed a corporate office she manages and the small business she owns and went into quarantine. You could never have a full understanding of what it takes for a business to cut capacity and revenue to 50%, she said. Option is the key word here. Every citizen, including our part time citizens, aka those college students, have the option to go out and risk COVID, Wilson said. She said she trusts her fellow citizens to make the right decision for them and doesnt feel she has the right to make that decision for them. Just as you as members of the city council have no business making those decisions for me or my family, Wilson said. Limiting the university students freedoms will not make them fall in in Brookings and want to stay, she said. I hope that the students are paying attention, and I hope that the ones that decide to stay in Brookings are running for some of your seats next year, Wilson said. President Barry Dunn will ultimately be liable for the policies he makes on campus and drives students away, but the city council should not, Wilson said. Jael Thorpe said there were approximately 250 people at the meeting, many wearing red shirts to show their opposition to the ordinance extension and proposed amendments, because they have not felt heard over the last several months. Other cities have lifted their restrictions, but Brookings has continued to leave them in place, even though the local hospitalizations total six, Thorpe said.

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In 2013 it purchased a Hialeah based packaging distributor. And in 2012, Mac Papers acquired Pembroke Park and Orlando based companies. Mad Men Marketing has promoted Joe Stelma to executive vice president of the firm. He will help run the Jacksonville office while continuing his role as media director, a position he was hired for in November 2014. On the client side, hes worked with companies such as Coca Cola North America, Zaxbys and the Florida Lottery. Veitch, of Green Cove Springs, is the vice president of transportation and vehicle procurement for Ring Power.

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Sounds like a boss to me. My Trainer Is an Online Course Im not a professional driver so it floored me that after being accepted all I had to do was watch a 10 minute video that didnt even talk about safety, said a driver from Texas. Forbes reported that Uber is offering driver training for $40 to $65 Uber Skimps on Driver Training, Then Charges Drivers $65 for Basic Driver Skills Course, 10/8/14. The course is produced by 7x7 Executive Transportation, a chauffeur service based in San Francisco, and is available only in select cities at this point. According to the article, the course is required for Uber Black drivers and highly suggested for UberX driversbut not to the point where it becomes mandatory, which would come dangerously close to violating Ubers coveted independent driver status. The Rules Are Constantly Changing I spoke with a driver from California who was ticked about the new percentage that Uber is taking. I let my time lapse with Uber because I had some things going on and when I returned, they told me that their new percentage was 25 percent. They take a full quarter!I bought a car to drive for them and was making really decent money when I stopped a few months ago. Im going to give this a few more months but Ill probably have to think about something else. He also acknowledges that he had a minor fender bender without a passenger that caused his insurance to go up. For the record, this driver was working for UberX; the standard commission for Uber Black drivers is typically already 25 percent because they command a higher price.

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